Here is my bass page.. I havn't spruced it up yet but this simply has some pictures and short descriptions of each picture..Needless to say this page is dedicated to my other passion in life, bass guitar..
These are 2 of my bass guitars..The one on the left is an Ibanez TRB-100..The one on the right is a Lotus L700. The Lotus is the bass I learned to play on. I plan to be buried with it when I die.
This is a closer picture of my Lotus, I mainly play this guitar unplugged as the pickups are shot and it feeds back if you stand closer than about 6 feet to the amplifier.
Here is my pride and joy. It's a Ken Smith BSR4EG custom fretless 4 string. The body is made using Hawaiian Koa for the core wood(seen from the edges), walnut layers after that, and AAAA quilted maple top and AAA quilted maple back. My Smith bass is also featured on Ken Smith's web site as an example of their work. I swiped the background image used on this page from their site. You can see it listed as "fretless/quilt" in the BSR Elite 'G' section here or the actual page dedicated to it here.
Here is a picture of my Smith and Ibanez sitting near my Peavey 2x15 cab.
Here is a picture of my Ibanez TRB-100.
Now we begin the tour of the basement. First stop is my main bass amp and cabs. There is a satellite amp to provide sound on the other side of the basement but we'll get to that in a minute. First is my Peavey Firebass II 700Wrms head. It drives the Peavey 810tvx cab and Peavey 215D-BW cabs pictured below.
The other side of the basement is pictured below from my computer.
Now we'll move into that other side and look at the equipment for the guitarists, vocals, and my extension amp. First is the lead guitarist's (John) stack. The cab on the left has a Mesa Boogie Custom Celestion 12", a Celestion Sidewinder 12", and a Force 15". The Crate cab is an 80Watt 4x12" cab. This is all driven by a Crate 200Watt PA amp which is fed by a Digitech 2120 Artist processor/preamp. He also has a wireless to allow him to roam.
From John's area we can see the rest of this area that contains my brother's (Rick) Marshall combo, the vocal mics and my extention amp.
My brother's setup. It sports a Marshall Valvestate 8280 2x12" combo, an Ibanez EX series guitar and an Ibanez Artwood A110 electric acoustic guitar.
To reinforce the bass coverage on this side of the basement I have this second amp. The Firebass feeds into the Mark III which drives the Ampeg PR-1528HE cab(1x15", 2x8" and a horn). The Peavey Basic 60 combo acts as a monitor from the mixing board and carries everyone.
We've arrived at our last stop on the tour of my basement. The central heart of all this mess is my Peavey Unity 2002 16 channel mixer.
Thats it! (for now)